


美国.S. Department of Education requires colleges to provide consumers, 根据1965年《澳门金沙游戏中心》的联邦法律要求,学生及其家人向消费者充分披露所有信息. This law is intended to satisfy students’ right to know, 并让学生有机会在充分知情的情况下选择他们最想要的高等教育机构.


Consumer 和 disclosure information relating to current degrees 和 programs offered by the institution, 认证信息, 信用转移政策, 和 lists of faculty 和 管理istrative personnel is accessible here on the College’s website.


符合珍妮·克利里披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案(克利里法案), WCC年度罪案统计数字(PDF) include data from previous years concerning reported crimes that occurred on or around the campus. To obtain other information or to speak with a campus safety representative, 请拨打919-739-7050与校园警察联系.


1989年《澳门金沙棋牌游戏》要求每年通知所有学生WCC的酒精和受管制物质使用政策和无毒品工作场所政策. 其他有关学生行为和处罚的政策可以在WCC目录和学生手册中找到.

Family Educational Rights 和 隐私 Act (FERPA) – 隐私 Rights of Student in Education Records

1974年的联邦家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)和随后通过的法规, set our requirements designed to protect students’ privacy in their records maintained by the institution. WCC has incorporated FERPA into our student record 管理istration policies on the College Web site at babytripster.com/about-wcc/consumer-information/ferpa/.

Completion of Degrees 和 Graduation Rate 信息rmation

Graduation rates for full-time, first-time undergraduates are available on the WCC Web site at 生均.ed.政府. 学位完成率和毕业率可以从机构发展规划和研究办公室或致电919-739-7009获得.


Consumer disclosure information relating to financial assistance may include cost of attendance, 援助类型的描述, 申请程序及程序, 经济援助如何记入信用,  学生的权利和责任, 支付信息, 退款及还款政策, satisfactory academic progress policy for financial aid,  和退伍军人教育福利. This information can be accessed on the College’s website at babytripster.com/financial-aid/.


学院停止参加威廉·D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program in the 2013-2014 school year. 信息rmation about WCC’s official cohort default rate, including the number of student borrowers 和 the national average cohort default rate is available at http://www2.ed.Administration /办公室/ OSFAP / defaultmanagement / cdr.html.


一般入学用途, WCC does not require immunization or medical records for domestic students; however specific programs may require vaccinations 和 immunization records. 有关WCC疫苗接种和医疗记录政策的更多信息,或查看特定计划是否需要提交医疗记录, you may contact the Office of Admission 和 Records at 919-739-6720.

教科书信息(国际标准书号、价格等.) for specific courses can be found by navigating the WCC 书店 page at bkstr.com/wayneccbookstore.com, 选择适当的“租用或购买教科书”选项卡,并按照步骤获取学院课程的书籍. Additional information on textbooks can be found by calling the bookstore at 919-739-7021.

For your convenience a Tuition Calculator is located on the College Navigator website at 生均.ed.政府 / collegenavigator. Type in “澳门金沙棋牌游戏”, select “NC” as the state. Select “Show Results”   select the “Tuition, Fees 和 Estimated Student Expenses” tab. To obtain estimates for multiple year costs, click on the “Multiyear Tuition Calculator” icon.

Federal regulations require the College to provide information regarding voter registration. To obtain a voter registration form, you may contact the 金融援助 Office at 919-739-6735. Additional information about voter registration is available by following this link: ncsbe.政府 / ncsbe.


澳门金沙棋牌游戏, 作为联邦贷款计划的参与者, 是否须有适用于书院代理人及雇员的有关学生资助事宜的行为守则. 《澳门金沙棋牌游戏》(HEOA)于8月14日签署成为法律,规定了行为准则的要求, 2008. In addition, the law includes requirements related to publication of the code 和 annual disclosures.


HEOA项目参与协议必须由所有参与第四章经济援助项目(包括学生贷款项目)的学院和大学执行,该协议要求机构的代理和员工必须遵守行为准则. 这种守则必须禁止在这种贷款方面与机构的代理人或雇员的责任发生利益冲突, 和 include the provisions set forth in the HEOA related to conflicts. 法律进一步规定,守则应在机构网站的显著位置显示,所有负责此类贷款的机构代理人或雇员每年都被告知行为守则的规定.


The Code of Conduct policy is applicable to all agents or employees of the College. 《澳门金沙游戏中心》应每年分发给所有负责学生贷款活动的大学代理或员工.



  1. 收入分成安排-学院不得与任何贷款人订立任何收入分成安排. 术语“收益分享安排” means an arrangement between the College 和 a lender under which:
    1. 贷款人提供或发放一笔已作出的贷款, insured or guaranteed to students attending the College or to families of such students, 和
    2. The college recommends the lender or the loan products of the lender 和 in exchange, the lender pays a fee or provides other material benefits, 包括收入或利润分成给学院, 学院的代理人或雇员.
  2. 礼品-没有学院的员工,在学院的经济援助办公室工作或其他与教育贷款有关的责任, 不得索取或者接受贷款人的赠与, 担保人, 或教育贷款服务商. 这个词 “礼物” 指任何小费, 忙, 折扣, 娱乐, 热情好客, loan or other item having a monetary value of more than a de mimimus amount. 这个词包括服务的礼物, 运输, 住宿, 或者吃饭,不管是否提供实物, 通过购买门票, 预付款, 或在费用发生后报销. 这个词 gift shall not include any of the following:
    1. 标准材料, 活动, 或者是与贷款相关的项目, 默认的厌恶, 默认的预防, 或者金融知识, 比如宣传册, 一个车间, 或培训.
    2. 食物, 点心, 培训, or informational material furnished to 学院的代理人或雇员, as an integral part of a 培训 session that is designed to improve the service of a lender, 担保人, 或向学院提供教育贷款的服务, if such 培训 contributes to the professional development of the agent or employee.
    3. 有利的条件, 条件, 和 borrower benefits on an education loan provided to a student employed by the College if such terms, 条件, or benefits are comparable to those provided to all students of the College.
    4. 为借款人提供入学和离校咨询服务,履行学院依法承担的入学和离校咨询职责, as long as the College’s staff are in control of  the counseling, 亲自或通过电子方式, 和 such counseling does not promote the products or services of any specific lender.
    5. Philanthropic contributions to the College from a lender, 服务机构, or 担保人 of education loans that are unrelated to education loans or any contribution from any lender, 担保人, or 服务机构 that is not made in exchange for any advantage related to education loans.
    6. State education grants, scholarships, or financial aid funds 管理istered by or on behalf of a State.

A gift to a family member of 学院的代理人或雇员, or to any other individual bases on that individual’s relationship with the agent or employee, 应视为送给代理人或雇员的礼物, if the gift is given with the knowledge 和 acquiescence of the agent or employee 和 the agent 和 employee, has reason to believe the gift was given because of the official position of the agent or employee.

  1. 服务补偿-学院财务援助办公室雇用的代理人或雇员或其他与教育贷款有关的人不得接受任何贷款人或任何贷款人的附属机构的贷款, 任何费用, 付款或其他经济利益,包括但不限于购买股票的机会,作为向贷款人或代表贷款人提供有关教育贷款的任何类型或咨询安排或其他合同的补偿.
    1. 学院的代理人或雇员,不受雇于学院的经济援助办公室,也不承担教育贷款方面的责任, from performing paid or unpaid service on a board of directors of a lender, 担保人, 或教育贷款服务商.
    2. 学院的代理人或雇员,不受雇于学院的经济援助办公室,但由于学院的反对而对教育贷款负责, from performing paid 和 unpaid services on a board of directors of a lender, 担保人, 或教育贷款服务商, 如果代理人或雇员拒绝参与董事会澳门金沙游戏中心学院教育贷款的任何决定.
    3. 代理人或雇员, 或者贷款人的承包商, 担保人, 如果受托人退出参与学院教育贷款的任何决定,则不得担任学院董事会成员或教育贷款服务人员.


